Sunday, 6 April 2008

Mechanics, vets and doctors

We've been making good use of a variety of medical services over the last few weeks. Debbie's van was due for it's MOT, and we were anticipating that it might have reached the end of its road. The helpful folks at Pool Street Garage managed to get it all fixed up and through its test for less than £400, though, so we're able to keep it! Gus the ugliest dog in the known universe had a bit of work done on on him, too: he cut his foot badly while out on a walk (students at Keele had left broken glass in the woods) and was whisked off to the emergency vets. He had to go under general anaesthetic to get his foot stitched, and was then all bandaged up and not allowed to have his walks for ages. He's still a bit lame 3 weeks later but at least he's back on his feet and looking a bit less sorry for himself now. Students: take your cans and bottles home with you! I had a little medical adventure of my own, too: I went in for a brain scan, which sounds quite exciting, but was actually rather dull (the scan, not my brain). They made me keep my eyes shut, so I didn't even see this doughnut that everyone had been going on about. I'd been looking forward to the doughnut bit, but they didn't even give me a sweetie for lying still! And they didn't even tell me if they found the brain.


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