Saturday, 5 April 2008

No more Noisy, so more noise from Angry

One of our two cockatiels died this week. The one that died was called Noisy, because he used to be more articulate, but he wasn't actually as noisy as his pal, Angry, who is left behind. Angry was always the squawker, while Noisy was more of a sweet little talker. Now he's lost his pal, Angry is a bit anxious, and so noisier. We'll have to see how he settles down and then decide whether he's going to be OK or whether he'll need to get a friend: we don't plan to get a friend for him here otherwise we'll be permanently locked into having birds, which isn't our plan, so if he doesn't settle he might have to go and live with his Aunty Rita, who also has a solitary cockatiel. If they get on happily, that might be best for everybody... we'll see.


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