Sunday, 18 November 2007

November 2007

I saw a nuthatch yesterday! First time I've ever seen one, as far as I know. It was at Brereton Country Park, near Holmes Chapel where we sometimes take Gus for a walk.

It's getting very wintry now, and while it was pleasant enough in the sunshine at Brereton yesterday, we're now huddled in front of the fire while it sleets outside!

What else have we been up to? Busy busy at work, as usual. I'm still playing chess on Facebook. I keep beating one of my former students and keep being beaten by another. I tend to beat the random strangers who occasionally challenge me because official ranking is kept artificially low by my frequent defeats by a player that the system doesn't realise is really much better than me. Strangers who then ask to play me because their official ranking is the same as mine then get a surprise when they play me, if their ranking really reflects their ability!

Playing Scrabble with Teresa on Facebook too. We seem quite evenly matched and have had some good close games!

Have been watching a lot of old Westerns, especially getting back into 1950s Westerns. Am excited because "The Crimson Pirate" is supposed to be coming out soon on DVD. Bought a copy of "The Gunfighter". Debbie bought be "Run Silent, Run Deep". I'm using my Burt Lancaster mug a lot for my afternoon cups of tea!


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