Saturday, 1 September 2007

Debbie saves a sheep in the river

Debbie jumped into the River Dane in Cheshire today to rescue a stranded sheep. We spotted the sheep bleating away at the bottom of the 6-foot vertical bank, with no evident means of climbing back up to its field, as we were walking Gus along the Dane Valley Way. Debbie leapt in and herded the sheep to a point where we could hoist it up from the river, but it was so heavy that it took two of us pushing and pulling with all our strength to get the soggy sheep to safety.

We were worried that even if we got it out of the water it might not make it, because it had stopped trying to help itself and was making us lug it around like a dead weight. However, once we'd shoved and lifted and dragged and pushed it up out of the water and onto the bank it scuttled up onto its own feet and scurried away to its friends. We watched it for a while and it settled down to eating with no evident ill-effects from its traumatic morning.

Meanwhile, Debbie was entirely soaked up to her knees, our boots were full of water and we were covered in mud but we felt as if we'd done our good deed for the day!


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