Friday, 23 November 2007

23rd November 2007 - d'oh!

Well, we knew I wouldn't really keep that up, didn't we. It was a bit naff doing it hour by hour and I really can't keep doing that. Minute by minute might be interesting, if life-filling, but I think I'm going to have to go with day by day. The hour by hour approach is possibly the worst because it misses all the interesting stuff (big and little) and catches only the dull medium stuff. For example, I don't think I actually recorded the event when I finally completed and submitted the book proposal for the Environmental Geography project to the publisher. It was a big job and a big weight off my mind, but was immediately replaced by the next big weight in the queue!

Yesterday was full of all the usual unique-to-the-day stuff, but I couldn't face another day of recording it all, so we're changing approach again; I don't know what the new approach will be, so this is more exciting, isn't it. I still have 3 more weeks of being required to record how I spend my time for the University "Full Economic Costing" project, so there will probably be something here... I wonder what.

Today I am scheduled to observe a colleague giving a lecture, to see a couple of students about their work, and to meet with colleagues to discuss nextweek's teaching and next year's prospectus entry. I'm also going to Keele M6 services for a coffee with Debbie, to the vet with a cat, to a field with a horse and to a lane with a dog, but I guess those are things for another diary.

The "big job" of the day is to do something on the PIPG Paper. The other little job is to sort out what's happening in a meeting tha tI have on Monday. Oh, and to sort out my lectures for next week. Oh, and to pick up a pile of coursework that students handed in yesterday and I have to mark. Oh, and... you get the picture.


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