Tuesday, 11 September 2007

11th Sept 2007

Updated some information about myself on the University's new web-based Personal Tutoring system. Updated my CV publications list to include a couple of recent publications that were not included. Wrote reports for publishers on two inspection-copy textbooks that I have received and will use for teaching. Sorted out my office: doing a bit of filing and organising, and moving some newly delivered equipment down to the low-temperature lab where I will be using it. Received and read the external examiner's annual commentary on the Physical Geography course. I need to write my annual response at some point. Spoke to the course administrator about some ongoing bits of business and clarified what we are both doing about them. Wrote a report for Academic Affairs about a student who is appealing against the University's decision to suspend him, sent it off and filed a copy in the School Office. That all brings us to 9.20am. A good thing about starting early is that I can clear off a lot of these little jobs before getting on with the bigger tasks. Lined up for this morning I have: help a colleague get started with WebCT; go through the Dissertation arrangements for the new year and re-arrange supervisions for students consequent upon recent staff changes; prepare for this afternoon's course management meeting, making sure I know all the questions that I need answers to, and have answers to all the questions that people might ask me! I also helped a PhD student who needed advice about where to source information, and advised a colleague about accessing University administrative web pages. In the afternoon I had the Course Management meeting, made changes to the Dissertation handbook, and discussed with a colleague some problems concerning a specific student. Put the finished 1st-year and Physical Geography course handbooks into the School Office for printing. Made up the students-and-advisors spreadsheet for 2007-8 Dissertations, and put a copy onto the notice board. Revised the powerpoint file master for our Physical Geography "business cards" that we issue to students with our contact details, and sent it to the drawing office for printing.


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