Friday, 17 August 2007

Friday 17th August 2007

Got in at 7.30, will probably get down to work by 8. Have to leave again by 11.30. (Why? You're asking why? And you are wondering what I do between arriving at Keele and starting work? Well, this is the wrong blog for that sort of information!). Today's schedule is: to be on call 9.30-11.30 to deal with any queries from the exam hall where esc-10023 and esc-20004 resits are being held today; to revisit the open day presentation in light of Pete's proof reading; to think in the back of my mind about the implications of my meeting yesterday (and perhaps e-mail Tony about it), and to start making my Big List of Urgent Tasks. If time: do something to keep the PIPG paper simmering.

Also spent some time exploring the new "Good University Guide" league tables in advance of the open day. I was very impressed that if you re-weight the algorithm to pick out just student satisfaction, completion rates and graduate prospects (the things you'd expect open-day visitors to really care about) Keele comes out 24th, above places like Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, etc.


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