Saturday, September 01, 2007

From Barry Lopez' "Arctic Dreams"

"This time around, however, the element in the ecosystem at greatest risk is not the bowhead but the coherent vision of an indigenous people. We have no alternative, long-lived narrative to theirs, no story of human relationships with that landscape independent of Western science and any desire to control or possess. Our intimacy lacks historical depth, and is still largely innocent of what is obscure and subtle there"
Barry Lopez (1999) "Arctic Dreams" p11.

From Clive James' "Cultural Amnesia"

" is true that most of our knowledge will drop away after we have condensed from it the principles which will connect into a view, but the principles can't exist to be extracted unless teh knowledge is acquired in the first instance. Certainly the mind too impressed by knowledge will attain nothing else. Ezra Pound famously said that culture begins when you forget what book that came from. Unfortunately he himself never forgot any citation that suited his mania, and his work as a totality is hopelessly vitiated by the half-witted diligence of the trainspotter."
Clive James (2007) "Cultural Amnesia" p.60.